Aqua-Saving Systems

The EcoVea Shower Reduces Water and Energy Use But Not Flow

Developed by Reveeco, the EcoVea Shower is a groundbreaking innovative bathroom fixture and system that boasts saving up to 80% more water and 70% more energy without compromising pressure, flow or heat.

Guaranteeing clean water thanks to a fastidious built-in filter, the EcoVea Shower is the ideal system for any bathroom. Equipped with a sensitive cell at its base, the system analyzes, grades, sorts and treats water as it falls, readying it for reuse during the next session.
Trend Themes
1. Water-saving Systems - The development of water-saving systems like the EcoVea Shower presents disruptive innovation opportunities for sustainable bathroom fixtures.
2. Energy-efficient Solutions - The EcoVea Shower's ability to save up to 70% more energy showcases the potential for disruptive innovation in the development of energy-efficient bathroom systems.
3. Smart Shower Technologies - The integration of sensitive cells and water analysis capabilities in the EcoVea Shower opens up disruptive innovation opportunities for advanced smart shower technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Bathroom Fixture Manufacturing - The development and production of water-saving bathroom fixtures like the EcoVea Shower offer disruptive innovation opportunities for the bathroom fixture manufacturing industry.
2. Sustainable Home Solutions - The EcoVea Shower's eco-friendly features create disruptive innovation opportunities for the sustainable home solutions industry.
3. Water Treatment and Filtration - The built-in filter and water treatment capabilities of the EcoVea Shower present disruptive innovation opportunities for the water treatment and filtration industry.

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