With its #EatTogether campaign, President's Choice, the private brand from Canadian grocer Loblaw's, is hoping to reaffirm the joy in eating with others. Aside from special occasions, people often eat alone, and the new ad released as part of the brand's broader #EatTogether campaign highlights just how unfortunate that is.
The PC spot follows the life of a young woman from infancy onward. It tracks through some of the most salient meals that people have, with fun moments at boisterous family dinners, meals and snacks where friendships were forged, and other salient moments of eating throughout life, as 'I've Got You, Babe' by Sonny and Cher plays in the background. However, it ends with the same young woman eating alone at her desk while wearing headphones and listening to the song, with the camera slowly pulling back to reveal her coworkers all doing the same.
The ad, which was released at the start of January, ultimately encourages consumers to eat together as part of their New Year's resolution.
Communal Eating Campaigns
President's Choice's #EatTogether Ad Highlights the Joy in Shared Meals
Trend Themes
1. Communal Eating - Reinforce the importance of eating together and explore ways to promote communal eating even during busy times.
2. Private Brands - Leverage private brands to promote powerful messages that evoke emotions and reinforce brand loyalty and social good.
3. Shared Values Campaigns - Create meaningful messages that speaks to customers' shared values and resonates with them emotionally to promote stronger engagement and trust.
Industry Implications
1. Grocery Retail - Explore how grocery retailers can use campaigns that promote shared values to engage customers and boost customer loyalty and sales.
2. Food Service - Provide communal eating space and events to help customers connect and build communities while enjoying meals.
3. Advertising - Create emotional and inspiring campaign messages that resonate with customers' shared cultural values and promote positive social impacts.