For the first time, the Duvelorium Cafe will be opening its doors, providing a warm and welcoming space to enjoy the intense flavors of the traditional Duvel beer.
Designed by Will Erens, the founder of the Puresang design studio, the cafe is meant to resonate with the beer by emulating its traditional crafting and strong flavor. Erens explains that he used loam, "one of the oldest building materials in history," to create an environment of warmth and serenity.
The exposed brick wall is a nod to the old brewery, giving the cafe a cozy ambiance that may be old-fashioned, but definitely isn't boring. The prismatic stain glass ceilings of the Duvelorium Cafe and the arching windows creates excitement and makes the cafe look like a house of worship.
Classic Church-Like Bars
The Duvelorium Cafe Incorporates Traditional Architecture Elements
Trend Themes
1. Classic-church-like Bars - Creating bars that incorporate traditional architectural elements, such as stain glass ceilings and arching windows, to provide a unique and exciting drinking experience.
Industry Implications
1. Cafe Industry - Cafes can incorporate traditional architectural elements to create a unique and cozy ambiance that attracts customers.
2. Craft Beer Industry - Craft beer companies can collaborate with designers to create bar spaces that reflect the traditional crafting and flavor experience of their products.
3. Architectural Design Industry - Architectural designers can explore opportunities to incorporate traditional elements into modern spaces, such as bars and cafes, to create a nostalgic and unique atmosphere.