Manufacturing Waste Furniture Collections

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The Dot Collection from Studio Pesi is Simple and Chic

The Dot Collection of furniture by Studio Pesi is a range of products for the home that makes use of waste materials in order to achieve a more sustainable option for the market. The collection includes a set of chairs, a side table and a bench, which are all achieved using leftover materials that are created from manufacturing furniture. This includes linoleum pieces that would otherwise go to waste after cutting out the portion that's needed for a design, which helps to keep them out of the landfill and maximize cost effectiveness.

The pieces within the Dot Collection are accented by joinery that is visible through the linoleum and gives each one it name as well as a bit of visual intrigue.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Furniture - Opportunity for manufacturing companies to develop innovative furniture solutions using waste materials for a more sustainable market.
2. Waste Reduction - Chance for businesses to explore ways to reduce waste in manufacturing by repurposing leftover materials for other products.
3. Visible Joinery - Potential for furniture designers to incorporate visible joinery as a unique design feature, adding visual intrigue to their products.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - Manufacturing companies can explore opportunities to reduce waste and develop sustainable products using leftover materials.
2. Furniture - Furniture industry can embrace sustainable practices by utilizing waste materials to create stylish and environmentally-friendly designs.
3. Design - Designers can incorporate visible joinery techniques into their furniture creations, offering unique and visually intriguing pieces to consumers.

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