Domino-Activated Lights

The 'Domino Light' is Switched On by Toppling Conductive Copper Pieces

From flicking a switch to clapping one's hands, there are several ways that lighting systems can be turned on and off—but the 'Domino Light' by Glithero offers an inventive new interaction based upon a chain reaction.

The lighting system is made up of numerous conductive copper dominoes that may be arranged in an infinite number of ways, so long as the last domino is stationed to fall on one of the copper strips on the lamp's base. When the dominos are toppled over one by one, they close the circuit and activate the illuminator.

While this simple electrical system is usually a concealed part of a lighting system's design, this lighting system reveals the technical process. As Glithero co-founder Tim Simpson describes, "With so much technology in our lives it is easy to take for granted that even simple things such as turning on a light are made possible by the physical properties of materials."
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Lighting Installations - Businesses can create lighting fixtures that offer inventive methods of interaction and engagement for their customers.
2. Conductive Material Innovations - Companies can explore innovative usecases of conductive materials in building interactive installations and products.
3. Open Loop Systems - There is great potential in creating open loop systems in the design of everyday objects to reveal the technical process and bring attention to the physical properties of materials used.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior designers can create innovative lighting fixtures for homes, offices or commercial spaces with this new interaction method.
2. Engineering - There are opportunities for engineers working with conductive materials to develop more interactive and creative products or installations.
3. Art Installations - Conductive material installations could be used by artists as a medium to express their creativity in the form of responsive installations or interactive artworks.

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