Creepy Mannequins

Eerie Collection of Fake Humans

Mannequins have always left me slightly uncomfortable, and this disturbing collection of dummy photographs makes my point.

Pediophobia is the term given to the fear of children or dolls, according to Wikipedia. We all remember the ‘Chucky’ movies. Well, I can say I never saw any of them due to my own pediophobic tendencies.

I’m no psychiatrist, but I think we expect to see kids running, playing and laughing, and a mannequin of a child--cheerful or not--is just too static. We are accustomed to seeing adult models posing motionless in austere positions, but children in that state just tends to give us the willies.

Go ahead, check them out, if you can take it.
Trend Themes
1. Pediophobia - An increasing fear of dolls or mannequins, offering opportunities for businesses to create more realistic and less unsettling human-like figures.
2. Eerie Collection - The fascination with creepy mannequins as a form of art, providing opportunities for artists to explore the uncanny valley and challenge societal norms.
3. Static Child Models - The discomfort caused by static mannequins of children, sparking opportunities for retailers to use animated and interactive child mannequins to create a more engaging shopping experience.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can leverage the trend of creepy mannequins to design attention-grabbing window displays and immersive store environments that intrigue and captivate customers.
2. Art - Artists can tap into the fascination with eerie mannequins to create thought-provoking installations and sculptures that challenge perceptions and evoke strong emotional responses.
3. Psychology/therapy - Psychologists and therapists can address pediophobia by using exposure therapy techniques, such as virtual reality simulations featuring mannequins, to help individuals overcome their fear.

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