Disney's Futuristic Dreams

What Disney Predicted 50 Years Ago

Either Disney "imagineers" were high when they wrote up their predictions, or technology just hasn't kept up.

If you watch the video clip, you will see what the Walt Disney company anticipated would happen to our future transportation system: heated roads, melting rock to make tunnels, bridges built only of concrete with no support steel, private parking spaces inside offices.

It's a giggle to watch.

Implications - Capitalist societies have a fascination with progression and futuristic designs, and the success of a corporation often depends on its ability to spot an innovation before it happens. As such, designers often like illustrating their personal predictions of the future. Corporations who actively present their products and services in a futuristic manner often times enjoy unsolicited attention from consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Futuristic Transportation Systems - The anticipation and desire for advanced transportation systems that incorporate features like heated roads and innovative tunneling methods.
2. Progressive Architectural Designs - The trend of designing buildings and structures that challenge traditional construction methods, such as bridges built solely of concrete without support steel.
3. Futuristic Workspaces - The emergence of offices and workspaces that incorporate private parking spaces and other futuristic elements.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can explore and invest in new technologies and infrastructure to create futuristic transportation systems.
2. Architecture - The architecture industry can embrace progressive design concepts and technologies to construct innovative and efficient buildings and structures.
3. Office Space - The office space industry can leverage futuristic designs and technologies to create innovative workspaces that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.

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