Promotional Disney Emojis

Disney Promoted 'Finding Dory' with a Teaser Video Featuring Emojis

The sequel to 'Finding Nemo,' titled 'Finding Dory,' is being promoted to Millennial and Generation Z audiences by appealing to them with a teaser that uses Disney emojis.

The short video plays out like a text conversation, with the cartoon fish reacting to pieces of the film's plot. Digital symbols show Dory's forgetful nature and Marlin's stressed expressions as the two characters converse about the journey they're about to embark on. The Disney emojis include everything from the dangerous sharks surrounded by bombs and the deep sea fish they encounter.

The video pans out to an aquatic mobile device that shows the events unfold, speaking to the Millennial and Generation Z demographics who can easily relate to the digital format. With this short video, Disney stirs up excitement for Finding Dory by reminding consumers of the characters they grew up watching in a new layout that appeals to a specific audience.
Trend Themes
1. Brand Emojis - Companies could create their own emojis to promote products and build brand identity among digital natives.
2. Interactive Teasers - Teasing new products or content through interactive videos could become a significant aspect of marketing strategies for companies targeting Millennials and Gen Zs.
3. Mobile-first Promotions - Brands that design promotions first for mobile platforms could increase their appeal and engagement among younger audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry could utilize emojis and interactive videos to promote films, TV shows, and other forms of content on mobile platforms.
2. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies could use brand emojis and mobile-first promotions to reach younger audiences and build brand loyalty.
3. Technology - Technology companies could develop interactive video and emoji creation tools to enable brands to build campaigns that leverage these trends.

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