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'De Rossi World Cup Dive: BP to Blame' Video Shows Oil Spill's Effect on Sports

The 'De Rossi World Cup Dive: BP to Blame' video allows fans to come to terms with the astonishing effects the oil spill has had... on sports.

In this mock replay video, the camera zooms into De Rossi, only to find out that a can-like object with the BP symbol on the side hit him. That explains it all to fans. Although it is obvious that a BP can did not actually hit De Rossi, the effects are still shown by this video. Everyone is thinking about the oil spill or thinking of new creative ways to joke about it, and the 'De Rossi World Cup Dive: BP to Blame' video is the latest example.
Trend Themes
1. Sports Entertainment - Creating comedic sports content to highlight environmental concerns may lead to increased views and engagement.
2. Environmental Activism - Using humor and satire to bring attention to environmental issues presents an opportunity to engage a wider audience in activism.
3. Social Responsibility - Brands can show their commitment to social responsibility by aligning themselves with causes related to environmental protection and sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Sports - Sports organizations and teams can leverage comedic content to raise awareness of important environmental issues and engage fans.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Advertising and marketing agencies can develop creative campaigns that use humor to bring attention to environmental concerns and encourage social responsibility.
3. Energy and Oil - Oil and gas companies can improve their public image and show their commitment to sustainability by taking action to mitigate environmental impact and support environmental causes.

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