Adorable Statement Houses

This Structure by Office S&M is the Epitome of a Cute Building

Office S&M created a colorful and cute building design that gives a neighborhood in East London a playful twist. The chromatic building boasts a pastel pink exterior that is successfully combined with green terrazzo detailing. While the structure itself is homologous with the houses in the vicinity, the adorable coloring makes the cute building a definite statement.

The architectural studio was commissioned by property developer Isla Kennedy of 'My Property and Home' to create a lively and youth-friendly abode. Surely the quirky choice of coloring is intended to appeal to a more vibrant and playful demographic. In addition, architectural studio Office S&M shares that the decision to use Millennial pink was to "challenge preconceptions of London's typically dire rental market."

Photo Credits: French + Tye
Trend Themes
1. Youth-friendly Architecture - Developers and architects can capitalize on the growing demand for playful and vibrant designs that appeal to younger generations.
2. Colorful Exteriors - Incorporating bold and unique colors in building exteriors can make a statement and attract attention, especially in urban areas.
3. Challenging Conventional Design - Breaking away from traditional building designs and colors can help properties stand out and appeal to a wider range of tenants or buyers.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Real estate developers can leverage unique designs and colors to differentiate their properties and appeal to a wider audience.
2. Architecture - Architects can experiment with playful designs and bold colors to create buildings that challenge traditional design and bring new value to the market.
3. Urban Development - Urban planners and developers can use colorful building designs to revitalize neighborhoods and draw attention to neglected areas.

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