Worldly Architecture Competitions

The Cubierta Verde by Andres Cardoso & Mariana Zuniga

A yearly competition at the Universidad de la República (Republic University) in Uruguay led to this winning design by Andrés Cardoso and Mariana Zúñiga. The Cubierta Verde home has an open floorplan and plenty of green space in the center. Instead of a central patio of concrete, the area is grassy and welcoming.

Each year at the university, the sale of the home built by the winning students helps pay for all the architectural students to travel around the world for their studies. The Cubierta Verde is just the latest financier of the students. Pretty smart idea.
Trend Themes
1. Green Roof Design - The Cubierta Verde design showcases an innovative way to implement green space into urban architecture.
2. Student-led Design Competitions - The annual competition at Universidad de la República provides opportunities for students to design and build innovative architecture.
3. Sustainable Urban Design - The Cubierta Verde design highlights the importance of sustainability in urban planning and architecture.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - The architecture industry could benefit from incorporating sustainable design practices, like the green roof design implemented in Cubierta Verde.
2. Education - The use of design competitions in educational settings can provide funding for programs and create opportunities for students to showcase their skills in real-world applications.
3. Urban Planning - The Cubierta Verde design emphasizes the value of urban planning that incorporates green space and sustainable design principles.

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