Potato Starch Crab Shells

This Unusual CSR Program Creates Eco-Friendly Homes for Hermit Crabs

This CSR program focuses on solving the housing crisis -- for hermit crabs. Environmental degradation in Japan has resulted in less shells for the naturally relocating crabs to move into, forcing them to use garbage like plastic bottles as homes. Real estate listings company Suumo partnered with some marine biologists to find a solution.

Professor Katsuyuki Hamasaki along with students from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology as well as Suumo collaborated to create new shells for hermit crabs made out of potato starch. The light and comfortable replacement shells are eco-friendly as well, leaving behind no harmful effects.

This CSR program not only helps the real estate firm give back, it also utilizes their expertise in an interesting way.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Solutions for Wildlife - Potato starch crab shells is an example of an eco-friendly solution for the housing crisis of wildlife, specifically hermit crabs, caused by environmental degradation.
2. CSR Programs for Environmental Conservation - CSR programs can focus on creating innovative solutions for environmental conservation, such as Suumo's collaboration with marine biologists to create eco-friendly shells for hermit crabs.
3. Collaboration Between Corporations and Academia - Academic institutions and corporations can collaborate to create innovative solutions for environmental conservation, such as Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Suumo's collaboration in creating potato starch crab shells.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Real estate companies can initiate CSR programs that are environmentally focused by exploring innovative solutions such as Suumo's partnership with marine biologists in creating eco-friendly hermit crab shells.
2. Manufacturing - Manufacturing industries can take inspiration from Suumo's eco-friendly initiative of creating potato starch crab shells for hermit crabs and explore similar eco-friendly initiatives to create products with less environmental impact.
3. Academia - Academic institutions can collaborate with corporations for environmental conservation, as Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology collaborated with Suumo to create eco-friendly shells for hermit crabs.

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