Macabre Monster Collages

The Creatures and Ives Series Adds Monsters into Random Scenes

The Creatures and Ives art project is a unique concept by Chip Trout.

The series takes place over 91 days of the year (starting on April 1st). In these works, Chip Trout takes images and inserts illustrated monster graphics into them to make them more intriguing. The illustrations have a bit of a macabre feel to it, with the monsters appearing as though they're engulfing ocean liners.

Chip Trout said of his concept, "I came up with it after looking at a tattered Currier & Ives book we had sitting in a give away pile. [...] I noticed that many of the drawings had scenes and characters that were extremely active; ice skating, sled races, fire fighting, hunting, etc. The sledding scenes looked as though they were running from something rather than racing."

The Creatures and Ives art illustrations are a unique twist on old photos.
Trend Themes
1. Macabre Monster Collages - Opportunity to incorporate macabre elements into existing artwork for a unique twist.
2. Illustrated Graphics - Innovative use of illustrated graphics to enhance and transform images.
3. Artistic Reinterpretation - Trend of reimagining and adding new elements to old photographs for a fresh perspective.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the art and design industry to create new and unique visual experiences.
2. Photography - Potential for photographers to incorporate illustrated graphics into their work to create captivating and surreal images.
3. Print and Publishing - Opportunity for the print and publishing industry to produce books or prints featuring macabre monster collages for a niche market.

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