Internet Survival Documentaries

Craigslist Joe is One Captivating Social Experiment

Craigslist Joe is an offbeat documentary following the life of 29-year-old Joseph Garner, as he lives 30 days using nothing except what he can find on the elusive site. With no money, no contacts and no home, Garner embarks on a journey to reconnect with a world that seems increasingly disconnected.

Craigslist has earned a reputation for its open community environment that allows people to post and respond to ads anonymously. With many Internet spoofs on humorous Craigslist ads, the film is an immersive exploration on who the people behind these ads truly are. Carrying nothing but the clothes on his back and a laptop, Joe begins a truly captivating social experiment. Despite the fact America has been undergoing sluggish economic growth, the film captures the generosity behind common citizens.

The documentary film is produced by Zach Galifianakis and is set to open in theaters August 2, 2012.
Trend Themes
1. Documentary Storytelling - There is an opportunity to tell engaging and immersive stories through documentaries, while highlighting the impact of technology on our society.
2. Sharing Economy - Craigslist Joe shows the potential of the sharing economy and how people can connect to each other through online platforms.
3. Minimalist Lifestyle - The film illustrates the potential of minimalism as a lifestyle and how technology can help people simplify their lives.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - There is an opportunity to produce more documentaries that showcase the impact of technology on our daily lives.
2. Online Classifieds - Online classified websites such as Craigslist can further leverage their platforms to promote community and generosity.
3. Technology and Lifestyle - There is an opportunity for technology companies to develop tools that can help people simplify their lives and embrace a minimalist lifestyle.

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