Fatalistic Fortunes

Cookie Misfortune Evil Cookies are the Worst Part of your Meal

Cookie Misfortune Evil Cookies may just ruin your meal. The cookies give terrible fortune and life predictions. By terrible, I mean mean.

You could get lucky and receive a funny prediction inside your cookie, but overall they are just plain rude. The site warns "WARNING: Not for children. Trust us," which should give you a better understanding of what to expect. If you buy the Cookie Misfortune Evil Cookies and are upset by their predictions, don't worry -- that stuff is never right.
Trend Themes
1. Negative Fortune Cookies - There is an opportunity to disrupt the fortune cookie industry by creating cookies with positive and uplifting fortunes.
2. Personalized Fortune Cookies - A trend of personalized fortune cookies could expand the market by offering customized messages for specific events and occasions.
3. Fortune Cookies for Children - With a market gap for fortune cookies for children, there is an opportunity to create kid-friendly fortune cookies with positive affirmations and messages.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can embrace the trend of personalized fortune cookies in their marketing efforts for events and occasions.
2. Consumer Goods - The consumer goods industry can innovate the fortune cookie industry by exploring the use of positive and uplifting fortunes for their fortune cookies.
3. Education - The education industry can use fortune cookies as a tool to promote positive affirmations and messages to children in a fun and interactive way.

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