Wellness-Boosting Skincare Rituals

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Consonant Matches Clinically Proven Skincare to Care Pairings

Topical skincare, while beneficial, isn't a bandage solution for poor lifestyle choices, as lasting skin health fundamentally requires a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and overall well-being—and natural skincare brand Consonant acknowledges this. "If we only focused on the products, we would be doing a disservice to our community by leaving out half of the skin care equation," Erika Schwass, Science and Wellbeing Manager of the Canadian brand told Primer, "So not only does our research and development include studying and testing our ingredients and products, but also evaluating how we can amplify the benefits of the products with evidence-based wellness pairings."

On Consonant's blog, readers will find articles about the benefits of breathwork for skin, and how having connections and close relationships with others can also improve skin health.
Trend Themes
1. Holistic Skincare Rituals - Brands are incorporating wellness activities like breathwork and social connection practices into skincare routines to enhance overall skin health.
2. Science-backed Beauty - Companies are relying on clinical research to develop skincare products that work in tandem with lifestyle changes for a more comprehensive approach to beauty.
3. Integrated Wellness Content - Skincare blogs and platforms are expanding their content to include wellness tips and practices that support the efficacy of their products.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare - The convergence of beauty products and wellness practices offers innovative ways to tackle skin health from both internal and external perspectives.
2. Wellness - Integrating skincare with broader wellness practices creates new opportunities for holistic health management and lifestyle integration.
3. Digital Health Content - Providing scientifically-informed wellness information alongside product usage can enhance consumer education and engagement within digital health platforms.

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