Consent-Promoting Condoms

The Boldly Packaged 'Consent Condoms' Promote Consensual Sex

'Say It With A Condom,' a popular condom company that is known for its packages that feature bold and witty sayings, released a new line called 'Consent Condoms.' The condoms are in collaboration with 'FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture' to promote consensual sex. The line of rubbers features bold, anti-rape messages on its packaging and minimal graphics.

The condoms were designed to combat non-consensual sexual attitudes and diminish the blurred lines that root from mainstream culture. "Blurred lines" can easily lead to rape or assault, which the packaging boasts about by stating things like "Drinking is not a crime. Rape is." and "This dress does not mean yes."

A set of the condoms retails at $14.95, with 25% of sales proceeds going to FORCE.
Trend Themes
1. Bold Packaging - Using bold and witty packaging to promote social causes and raise awareness.
2. Promoting Consent - Creating products that actively promote and educate about the importance of consent in sexual encounters.
3. Collaborative Activism - Forming partnerships between companies and activist organizations to address and combat social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Contraceptives - The contraceptive industry can explore incorporating bold packaging and messaging to promote consent and social causes.
2. Sexual Education - The sexual education industry can leverage creative packaging and messaging to engage and educate individuals on consent and healthy relationships.
3. Cause Marketing - Companies in the cause marketing industry can collaborate with activist organizations to create products that raise awareness and support social causes.

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