Unfortunate Scarevertising

Condomi Condoms Frighten Potential Buyers

I am very confused by the new ad campaign for fruit-flavored Condomi Condoms. On the one hand, it communicates that their condoms "taste like real fruit" pretty well, but on the other, it scares any normal guy from buying it for fear of his ‘banana’ being bitten off.

This campaign only makes sense if it is targeting the person who will actually taste the ‘fruit.’ But if they think a guy would see these ads and run to buy one for himself, they are delusional.

The ads were created by DRAFTFCB KOBZA, Austria with photographer Werner Linsberger, creative directors Patrik Partl and Andreas Gesierich, copywriter Florian Schwab, and art directors Andreas Gesierich and Daniel Senitschnig.
Trend Themes
1. Scarevertising - Opportunity for brands to create memorable and attention-grabbing campaigns by using scary or shocking elements.
2. Fruit-flavored Products - The rise of fruit-flavored products across various industries, creating new and unique sensory experiences for consumers.
3. Targeted Advertising - Utilizing precise audience targeting and personalized messaging to ensure that ads resonate with the intended consumer.
Industry Implications
1. Condom Industry - Opportunity for condom manufacturers to innovate and create new types of flavored condoms that appeal to different tastes and preferences.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - Growth potential for the development of fruit-flavored beverages, snacks, and other food products that offer consumers unique flavor experiences.
3. Advertising and Marketing Industry - Opportunity to develop creative and attention-grabbing advertising campaigns that resonate with the target audience and leave a lasting impression.

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