Clarifying Gel Moisturizers

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Glo Skin Beauty's Moisturizer Follows Years of Microbiome Research

Glo Skin Beauty's BHA Clarifying Gel Moisturizer is the result of more than two years of research on the skin's microbiome and special considerations for adult acne sufferers. This clinically proven formula is silky, water-light and melts into skin to support a clear, balanced complexion without disrupting the skin barrier.

With ingredients like vegan lactic acid and salicylic acid, this moisturizer balances oil production and eliminates shine without stripping skin of essential moisture. Microbiome-supporting calming botanical ingredients are integral to the skincare moisturizer, which is ready to be used after cleansing and toning in the morning and evening.

Although cleansers are often thought of as the first line of defense for clarifying acne-prone skin, this multi-benefit moisturizer extends mattifying, hydrating, balancing and refining ingredients to subsequent skincare steps for comprehensive complexion care.
Trend Themes
1. Microbiome-focused Skincare - Innovative products like Glo Skin Beauty's BHA Clarifying Gel Moisturizer are incorporating microbiome research to create balanced solutions for adult acne.
2. Multi-functional Skincare Products - The rise of multi-benefit moisturizers highlights a trend towards products that combine mattifying, hydrating, and refining properties in one formula.
3. Vegan Active Ingredients - Skincare formulations are increasingly incorporating vegan active ingredients, such as lactic acid and salicylic acid, to balance oil production and maintain moisture.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare - Advancements in microbiome research are driving the development of skincare products that cater to complex skin conditions like adult acne.
2. Beauty and Personal Care - The beauty industry is seeing a surge in consumer demand for products that offer multiple skincare benefits in a single application.
3. Vegan Cosmetics - The incorporation of vegan active ingredients in skincare formulations is becoming a significant trend within the vegan cosmetics industry.

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