Church-Offending Art II

Homoerotic Last Supper

This homoerotic recreation of Leonardo's Last Supper has offended a Viennese cardinal, making it second piece of modern art on Trend Hunter we've known to offend the church.

Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, archbishop of Vienna, described the image as "a homosexual orgy" of Apostles, which he found quite offensive. The artist "oversteps the essential threshold of respect for the sacred," he says.

Interestingly, the Roman Catholic cardinal had approved the painting's placement in an exhibit that honoured 80-year old Austrian painter, Alfred Hrdlicka. He's regretting that choice now.

"I obviously would not have agreed to have blasphemous or pornographic works exhibited. I therefore explicitly regret that a work of this kind was exhibited without my knowledge," the cardinal said in a statement.

He does, however, continue to back Hrdlicka.

"Hrdlicka...probably more than any other living artist, has devoted himself to the suffering and downtrodden human being and has appealed for "compassion" with the "Passion," he said.
Trend Themes
1. Offensive Art - Opportunities for creating provocative artwork that challenges societal norms and conventions.
2. Religious Controversy - Opportunities to explore the intersection of art, religion, and public opinion, generating discussions and debates.
3. Artistic Freedom - Opportunities to push the boundaries of artistic expression and challenge traditional artistic values.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Culture - Innovations in the art world that push the limits of what is considered acceptable and provoke thought and conversation.
2. Religious Institutions - The evolving dynamics between art, religion, and freedom of expression, and the potential for conflict between artists and religious authorities.
3. Censorship and Regulation - Efforts to regulate and control the display of art, considering the balance between freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs.

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