Crowdsourced Undead Films

Castalides Pictures Launches a Global Vampire Casting Competition

The first ever vampire casting competition has been launched for vampire fans worldwide. Castalides Pictures are giving aspiring vampires the chance to appear in their movie, Vampire Wedding. It is currently a romantic-horror comic mini-series. All entrants need to do is take a picture of themselves as a vampire, post it on Vampire Wedding’s Facebook wall and send their details to the designated email address.

Castalides Pictures have also launched the first ever Vampire Casting App for iPhone and Android called VampCasting. It is a free app that is very easy to use, and is available to download from the Vampire Wedding website. Using this App, aspiring vampires can take a photo of themselves and send it straight into the competition.

As well as playing a vampire in the Vampire Wedding film, the winner will become immortal by having their character drawn, by DC and Marvel comic artist Eduardo Barreto, in the artwork of the Vampire Wedding comic. They will also become Vampire Wedding’s Vampire of The Week, and appear on a banner on the website and Facebook page.

The first issue of Vampire Wedding will be shown at the London MCM Comic Convention at the end of October.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Films - Opportunity to engage with fans and involve them in the film-making process.
2. Vampire Casting Competitions - Creating unique experiences for fans and aspiring actors to participate in vampire-themed projects.
3. Mobile Casting Apps - Developing apps that simplify the casting process and make it more accessible for aspiring actors.
Industry Implications
1. Film Production - Incorporating crowdsourcing and fan engagement to create more interactive and immersive film experiences.
2. Comic Publishing - Integrating fan participation by immortalizing the winner in the artwork of comic series.
3. Mobile App Development - Creating user-friendly casting apps that cater to aspiring actors and streamline the casting process.

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