Co-Branded Protein Cereals

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Surreal & Gymshark Launched Strawberry Protein Shake-Flavored Cardi-Os

Protein cereal brand Surreal and gym apparel brand Gymshark teamed up to create Cardi-Os, a strawberry protein shake-flavored cereal that's gluten-free, vegan and fueled by soya and pea protein. With 13 grams of protein and just a gram of sugar per serving, the berry-flavored breakfast cereal hoops speak to consumers who want a nourishing morning meal without compromise. Free from natural flavors and colors, the better-for-you protein cereal is sweetened with alternatives like stevia and erythritol.

This limited-edition cereal can be purchased from Surreal's site, as well as Gymshark stores. This co-branded protein cereal feeds into Gymshark’s We Do Gym campaign, differentiating the company from sports and athleisure brands by specifically speaking to gym-goers.
Trend Themes
1. Co-branded Wellness Products - Partnerships between fitness and food brands are creating unique products like protein cereals that align with consumers' health-driven lifestyles.
2. Gluten-free & Vegan Options - The demand for inclusive dietary options is rising, as evidenced by the development of gluten-free and vegan protein cereals that cater to various dietary restrictions.
3. Sugar-free Sweeteners - Innovative sweetening alternatives, such as stevia and erythritol, are replacing traditional sugars to offer health-conscious consumers flavorful yet low-sugar products.
Industry Implications
1. Health & Wellness Foods - The food industry is evolving with a focus on health-centric products like high-protein, low-sugar cereals that meet the demands of fitness enthusiasts.
2. Athleisure & Fitness Apparel - Clothing retailers are expanding into the nutrition sector by collaborating on products that resonate with their active customer base.
3. Alternative Sweeteners - The sweetener industry is growing as natural alternatives like stevia and erythritol gain popularity for use in health-oriented food products.

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