Manly Canned Wines

This Canned Wine Beverage is Designed for Masculine Men

'Mancan' is a canned wine beverage that is specifically designed for men. For some men, ordering wine at a bar while their friends are all drinking beer can be an unnerving experience. This product helps men uphold appearances while still allowing them to enjoy their favorite wine.

Mancan was designed by Graham Veysey as a way for men to order wine at the bar without it coming in stemwear. As a result, Veysey developed a canned wine that would allow men to appear as though they are drinking a beer. Mancan is made from specially picked California grapes and comes in a variety of different blends. The idea is to offer customers the same high-quality wine in a more user-friendly vessel.

While the idea of gendering something as universal as wine may seem unusual, there are likely to be many men who prefer to consume wine from a can instead of a glass.
Trend Themes
1. Gendered Alcoholic Beverages - Opportunities for creating gender-specific beverages that cater to different consumer preferences.
2. Canned Wine Products - Innovative packaging designs for wine products that are easy and convenient to consume.
3. High-quality Canned Wine - Potential for creating premium, gourmet canned wine products that appeal to consumers who value both quality and convenience.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverage Industry - Disruptive opportunities for creating new, gender-specific products that cater to the changing tastes and preferences of consumers.
2. Packaging Industry - Innovative packaging designs for wine products that are designed to be easy and convenient to consume, and can appeal to different consumer segments.
3. Wine Industry - Opportunities for creating new, high-quality canned wine products that cater to the growing trend of on-the-go consumption and convenience.

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