Cannabis-Focused Cooking Classes

The Cannabis Cooking Company Offers Educational Cooking Classes

Toronto's Cannabis Cooking Company offers three-hour sessions that help to get adults familiar with cooking with cannabis. In the Cooking with Cannabis 101 certificate workshop, the company provides students with an introduction to cannabis history, as well as lessons on how the body processes cannabis when it is ingested. Attending chefs are invited to bring their own cannabis to the class, where they will have fun, get educated and go home with an infused oil and recipe that the cannabis-infused oil has been used in.

The Cannabis Cooking Company on Richmond Street offers its educational sessions in both morning and afternoon time slots, which are referred to as 'Wake and Bake' and 'Lifted Lunch' events.
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis Education - Opportunity for businesses to offer educational workshops and courses on cooking with cannabis.
2. Infused Food and Beverage - Disruptive innovation opportunity for restaurants and food companies to incorporate cannabis-infused products into their menus.
3. Cannabis Tourism - Potential for travel and hospitality industries to create cannabis-focused experiences and destinations for tourists.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Industry can explore the incorporation of cannabis-infused products into their offerings, ranging from restaurants to packaged foods.
2. Education and Training - Educational institutions and training providers can develop courses and workshops on cooking with cannabis and its history.
3. Travel and Hospitality - Opportunity for businesses in the travel and hospitality sectors to create cannabis-focused experiences and accommodations for tourists.

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