Digestive Burger Infographics

This Chart Explains What Happens to the Body After Eating a Big Mac

If you've ever wondered what happens to the human body after it consumes a Big Mac from McDonald's, this burger infographic by Fast Food Menu Price dispels the mystery with an interesting chronological chart. The infographic breaks down by ten minute increments what the body feels after it has consumed the infamous fast food burger.

It is well-known that Big Macs aren't the best meal for your body to consume due to the high sodium content, large amount of calories and processed ingredients and yet for some reason the body always wants to have another. The 'What Happens 1 Hour After Eating a Big Mac?' infographic explains that within the first ten minutes the body's sugar levels soar due to the high calorie burger content. As time passes, the body processes the addictive sugars and sodium leaving the body's blood sugar unaware. This sensation leaves the body thinking it's still hungry while the burger takes a total of 72 hours to properly digest.
Trend Themes
1. Infographic Analysis - Opportunity to create engaging and informative infographics to explain complex topics.
2. Health Consciousness - Increasing awareness about the negative effects of fast food on the body.
3. Transparency in Food Industry - Demand for more information about the ingredients and nutritional content of fast food.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for healthier fast food options that cater to health-conscious consumers.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity to create educational campaigns highlighting the negative effects of fast food consumption.
3. Data Visualization - Demand for skilled designers and analysts to create engaging infographics for various industries.

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