Heart-Stopping Bunless Burgers

This Tower of Cheese, Meat and Bacon is for the Hardcore Meateater

Even though it looks heart-stoppingly delicious, these bunless burgers are to be consumed at your own risk.

Created by Nick of dudefoods.com, The Bread Cheese Bacon Double Cheeseburger makes a Big Mac look like a fine staple of a detox diet. Originally, Nick created a grilled cheese sandwich that did away with the bread and was made of 100 percent cheese. He accomplished this by using what he calls cheese bread, which is essentially just a block of cheese with a consistency like bread.

Much like Pink Floyd followed 'Animals' with 'The Wall,' Nick had to go bigger and better for his follow up. So, he created a towering bunless burger by making three of the grilled cheese sandwiches, using them as the top, bottom and middle buns of a double bacon cheeseburger. This bunless burger of the Gods packs an incredible 4,300 calories.

Meat sweats included at no extra charge.
Trend Themes
1. Bunless Burgers - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop alternative options for buns in burgers using unconventional ingredients or food structures.
2. Cheese Bread - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the creation of other cheese-based bread alternatives for sandwiches and burgers.
3. Meat Sweats - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design cooling or temperature-regulating clothing or accessories for individuals who experience excessive sweating while consuming high-calorie meals.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Rethink traditional food structures and develop unique products to cater to evolving consumer preferences.
2. Fast Food - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer unconventional menu items with excessive calorie counts to attract customers seeking novelty and indulgence experiences.
3. Clothing and Apparel - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create specialized garments and accessories to address specific consumer needs, such as excessive sweating or temperature regulation.

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