Heavy Metal Monks

Brother Cesare

Religion is typically one of the last things to come to mind in conjunction with heavy metal, but an Italian monk is looking to change that. 62-year-old Brother Cesare Bonizzi discovered heavy metal at a Metallica concert more than a decade ago, and he’s been performing as the lead singer in his own band ever since.

Brother Cesare is very clear in stating that he doesn’t hope to convert others to Catholicism through his music.  Instead, he hopes to convert them to life, and living it to the fullest. 

Rock on, Brother Cesare.
Trend Themes
1. Religious Heavy Metal - Creating a new genre for religious music and expanding the reach of religious expression
2. Unlikely Musician - Challenging stereotypes and breaking norms of who can be in the music industry
3. Music and Spirituality - Exploring the relationship and crossover between music and spirituality
Industry Implications
1. Music - Opportunity to create new and innovative music genres that challenge existing norms
2. Religion - Opportunity for religious institutions to utilize music as a tool for outreach and expression
3. Tourism - New tourist attraction for those interested in unique and unconventional forms of religious expression

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