Creepy Cartoon Cards

Brent Engstrom Creates Wacky Wedding Stationary

Artist Brent Engstrom has been drawing since the tender age of three, and is currently an illustrator for Nickelodeon and Mad Kids Magazine. His Garbage Pail Kids-inspired wedding save the date card design is wacky, intended for couples looking for unusual nuptial invites. The Kansas native created his own wedding thank you cards in a similar creepy cartoon fashion. Take a look at this collection of works by the creative Brent Engstrom.

Implications - While cartoons were once associated with children and childhood in general, the artist style has spread to varying mediums that attract consumers of all ages. As opposed to avoiding cartoon figures in product packaging, companies should embrace it. Consider how adult-only cartoon television shows have dominated ratings in recent years.
Trend Themes
1. Cartoon-inspired Design - Companies should embrace cartoon figures in product packaging to attract consumers of all ages.
2. Expanding Cartoon Mediums - Cartoon style has spread to varying mediums that appeal to consumers of all ages.
3. Adult-oriented Cartoons - Adult-only cartoon television shows have dominated ratings in recent years, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Product Packaging - Companies in the product packaging industry can embrace cartoon figures to attract consumers of all ages.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can explore cartoon-inspired mediums to reach a wider demographic.
3. Entertainment - The success of adult-oriented cartoon television shows presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the entertainment industry.

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