Beer-Based Whiskies

The Boston Beer Company is Making Whiskey from Different Sam Adams Brews

The Boston Beer Company is well known for brewing Sam Adams beer. Now the biggest brewery in Boston is taking on the liquor industry by turning different Sam Adam brews into high-quality whiskey.

The Boston Beer Company is set to produce three new whiskies, each of which will be distilled from a different type of Sam Adams beer. The beers chosen include the Thirteenth Hour Stout, the Merrymaker Gingerbread Stout and the New World Tripel. The Thirteenth Hour Stout contains espresso and hints of cinnamon, while the Merrymaker Gingerbread Stout has a rich and buttery flavor profile. On the other hand, the New World Triple has a sweet and savory taste. Each of these brews will be distilled and turned into a distinct whiskey. After they are transformed into a liquor, each of the 'Spirit of Boston Whiskies' boasts an 84 proof makeup.

With the holidays just around the corner, these beer-based whiskeys could be perfect for the liquor-lover in your life.
Trend Themes
1. Beer-based Whiskies - The trend of turning beer into whiskey offers an innovative way for breweries to expand their product offerings and tap into the liquor industry.
2. Craft Distilling - Craft breweries venturing into distilling showcases a trend of cross-industry collaboration and diversification.
3. Flavor Exploration - Experimenting with different beer flavors to create unique whiskey varieties presents an opportunity for flavor innovation and consumer appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Brewery - Breweries can explore the trend of beer-based whiskies to add a new revenue stream and attract whiskey enthusiasts.
2. Distillery - Distilleries can consider partnering with craft breweries to create beer-based whiskies and capitalize on the growing trend.
3. Consumer Goods Retail - Retailers in the liquor industry can benefit from stocking and promoting beer-based whiskies as a unique and innovative product.

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