Scholarship Sunnies

Blenders Eyewear Supports College Education for U.S. Youth

Blenders Eyewear supports college education scholarships and awards with their sunglasses company. Blenders Scholarship Program supports students in the United States to go to school and also pursue things like start-ups, community development, volunteer programs and general travel.

The collections offered all have very California names, such as Hollywood, Joyride, Catfish, Buttercat, Wet Electric and Gummibears Polarized. The glasses themselves -- so bright and poppy that it's almost blinding -- also reflect the San Diego-based brand. The brand itself exudes optimism, not only through its sunglasses in terms of their design but also through the scholarships program that encourages students to grab life by its horns.

Contact Information
Blenders Eyewear website
Benders Eyewear on Facebook
Blenders Eyewear on Twitter
Blenders Eyewear on YouTube
Trend Themes
1. Education-supportive Products - Blenders Sunglasses not only provide UV protection against the sun but also support scholarships for college education.
2. Socially Responsible Business Models - Blenders Eyewear's Scholarships Program shows how businesses could support local communities and consumer needs outside of product sales.
3. Youth Empowerment Campaigning - Blenders Scholarships Program can serve as a role model for advocacy and encouraging young Americans to pursue education and engagement programs
Industry Implications
1. Eyewear and Accessories - Eyewear and fashion industries could adopt social agendas to align with customers who care about supporting and empowering the youth beside product quality and price.
2. Food and Beverage - Food chains and companies could also explore similar social impact initiatives, like sponsoring camps, sports activities, or academic programs to serve the education needs of young people living in their operational areas.
3. Consumer Technology - Consumer electronics brands could follow a similar model by offering educational programs or sponsoring scholarships that align with their customer value proposition.

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