Plant-Based Birthday Cake Shakes

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Jamba's New Birthday Cake Smoothie is Made with Oatmilk

In an effort to cater to the growing number of consumer demanding plant-based options, Jamba has debuted a new limited-edition, plant-based Birthday Cake Smoothie.

Jamba's new Birthday Cake Smoothie is a plant-based take on a birthday cake-flavored shake. Instead of milk or another dairy-based product, the base of the smoothie consists of a blend of oatmilk and an oatmilk frozen dessert. To bring out the birthday cake flavor, the oatmilk is combined with mangos, bananas, and a sweet birthday cake flavored syrup. The result is a sweet ad creamy drink studded with colorful candy bits, just like real funfetti cake.

Jamba's new plant-based, multi-colored treat is available nationwide from June 23 to June 28.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Options - The growing demand for plant-based products presents an opportunity for companies to innovate and develop more plant-based food and beverage options.
2. Oatmilk - The use of oatmilk as a dairy alternative in products like smoothies opens up possibilities for companies to create new oatmilk-based beverages and desserts.
3. Limited-edition Offerings - The introduction of limited-edition products like Jamba's Birthday Cake Smoothie can create excitement and drive consumer engagement, leading to potential sales and brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore and develop a wider range of plant-based options and incorporate innovative dairy alternatives like oatmilk into their products.
2. Dessert - In the dessert industry, there is an opportunity to create new plant-based frozen desserts and sweet treats using innovative ingredients like oatmilk and birthday cake flavored syrup.
3. Marketing and Promotions - Companies specializing in marketing and promotions can leverage the concept of limited-edition offerings like Jamba's Birthday Cake Smoothie to generate buzz and increase customer engagement.

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