Alcoholic Beacon Apps

Remy Martin's Futur Heritage App Delivers Specifically Crafted Cocktails

Beacon apps that revolve around the consumption of alcohol may be one of the better uses for the up-and-coming technology. Making the drinking experience so much more interactive and creative, Rémy Martin has teamed up with Labwerk and students from Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne to create a beacon app that sends a message people's phones detected near specific bars about their cocktail along with bartender notes, images and the ingredients used.

Created as part of Remy Martin's Futur Héritage pop-up exhibit during Paris Design Week, which the app is named after, the beacon app is meant to explore the theme of Rémyxology. The exhibit itself is iBeacon-enabled so that visitors are treated to additional content for a richer experience.
Trend Themes
1. Alcoholic Beacon Apps - Alcoholic beacon apps that enhance the drinking experience through interactive and creative features.
2. Interactive Cocktail Experiences - Apps that provide personalized cocktail information and experiences to users near specific bars.
3. Ibeacon Technology in Hospitality - The use of iBeacon technology in the hospitality industry to enhance visitor experiences and provide additional content.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol and Beverage - Opportunities for alcohol and beverage companies to create beacon apps that engage and inform customers.
2. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can leverage beacon apps to enhance customer experiences in bars and restaurants.
3. Technology and App Development - The development and implementation of beacon apps utilizing iBeacon technology in various industries, including the alcohol and hospitality sectors.

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