College Campus Breakfast Burritos

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Bad-Ass Breakfast Burritos and Sodexo Entered a Partnership

Bad-Ass Breakfast Burritos (BABB) and Sodexo have announced a new partnership that will see the latter brand's breakfast burritos heading to a variety of college campuses this semester. The partnership will see BABB favorites like the Bronco and the Würst, which will be on offer at the University of Cincinnati and Arkansas State University campuses to start. Sodexo is slated to expand access into the near-future, which will see it bring the breakfast burritos to its existing network of more than 400 college campuses across the US.

Vice President of Digital Innovation at Sodexo Raz Barnwell commented on the partnership with Bad-Ass Breakfast Burritos saying, "We’re committed to partnering with brands that offer fresh and exciting food options. This partnership aligns with our goal of providing dining solutions on our college campuses that students want, whenever they want. We believe Bad-Ass Breakfast Burritos’ delicious and portable creations will resonate with the vibrant, active and busy communities we serve nationwide."
Trend Themes
1. Campus Food-brand Partnerships - Collaborations between food brands and educational institutions are creating new opportunities for unique dining experiences on college campuses.
2. Portable Breakfast Solutions - The rise of portable and convenient breakfast options is catering to the fast-paced lifestyle of students.
3. Expansion of Food Offerings in Educational Settings - The broadening of food selections in educational settings is meeting demand for diverse and high-quality meal options.
Industry Implications
1. Higher Education Food Services - Innovative partnerships in higher education food services are enhancing campus dining experiences.
2. Quick-service Restaurants - Quick-service restaurants are finding new market opportunities in partnering with large institutions.
3. Food and Beverage Distribution - The distribution sector is evolving with new channels to deliver specialized food products to educational institutions.

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