Animated Email Grievances

This Funny Video Examines Appropriate Emails and Using the Right Tone

This hilarious video examines how to write appropriate emails. Uploaded on Domic's YouTube channel, 'Emails' looks at the challenges young people face when composing electronic mail. Balancing the desire to be professional (especially in a work or business related communication) while also sounding interested in the topic can be challenging. This can be especially uncomfortable for young people and millennials who are more accustomed to casual forms of technological communication, like text and instant messaging.

The appropriate emails video includes a comedic voice over and lighthearted animation. Conveying the right tone can be difficult in email, especially without the use of emoticons and hashtags. This video is a must see for recent grads entering the work force, or for young professionals in general.
Trend Themes
1. Appropriate Emails - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in email communication tools that can help users gauge and adjust their tone.
2. Electronic Mail Challenges - Innovation opportunities to develop tools and platforms that facilitate effective email composition for young people and millennials.
3. Casual Technological Communication - Disruption potential in creating new communication platforms that bridge the gap between casual forms of communication (like text and instant messaging) and professional email.
Industry Implications
1. Communication Tools - Development of innovative email platforms and apps to improve email communication for users across different generations.
2. Edtech - Opportunities for educational technology solutions that train and guide young people in writing appropriate emails for the workplace.
3. Animation and Entertainment - Partnerships between animation studios and professional communication training platforms to create engaging and educational content on email etiquette.

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