Inspiring Newsfeed Apps

Apollo Muse is a RSS App Dedicated to the Best Tech, Design and Art News

Inspiration is everywhere, but to keep the very best of it at your fingertips, there's a handy RSS app from Apollo TV called 'Apollo Muse.'

Apollo Muse curates the top news from the worlds of technology, art and design, sourcing from some of the best magazines, blogs and other publications from across the web like ArchDaily, Colossal, Hi Fructose and Junk Culture. Rather than having to hunt and peck for upcoming exhibitions, designers to keep an eye on and emerging technology, the app puts a world of inspiration in your pocket. Without having to switch apps on your phone, the app makes flitting from site to site as seamless as possible, plus it's super easy to share relevant articles with your friends on social media.
Trend Themes
1. Curated Newsfeed Apps - Apps that curate and personalize news have the potential to disrupt how we consume information online.
2. Multidisciplinary Discovery Platforms - Platforms that combine content from multiple industries have the potential to offer users a unique, all-in-one discovery experience.
3. Seamless Content Sharing - Apps that make it easy to share content on social media have the potential to increase engagement and virality.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Publishing - Traditional media and publishing companies can use curated newsfeed apps to reach audiences and monetize their content effectively.
2. Tech and Software - The development of seamless newsfeed apps requires innovation in software and user experience design.
3. Social Media - Social media companies that integrate with curated newsfeed apps can potentially attract more engaged and active users.

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