The makers of Anthem Wine enlisted the talents of designer John Schall to create picture-perfect packaging for the company's premium vino. The result is a sleek jet black bottle clad in a ravishing red reproduction of a topographic map of the region surrounding the vineyard where the wine hails from. The exact location of the vineyard is indicated with a little white star.
Inspired by the passion of the proprietors, Schall placed a graphic on the back of the bottle that walks the consumers through the wine-making process. The knowledge displayed on this sleek bottle demonstrates the brand's commitment to quality and celebrates the fine art of natural wine production.
An education in the appreciation of the science and care behind the product, the Anthem Wine bottle is clever and informative.
Map-Clad Vino Branding
The Anthem Wine Bottle Celebrates Artisan Practices
Trend Themes
1. Educational Labeling - Brands can utilize their packaging as a tool for educating consumers about their products, allowing for a deeper level of appreciation and understanding.
2. Design-focused Branding - Companies can differentiate themselves and capture consumer attention through unique and visually appealing designs on their packaging.
3. Location-based Branding - Incorporating elements of the location where a product is produced into its branding and packaging can create a stronger connection between the consumer and the product's origin.
Industry Implications
1. Wine - Wineries can use creative packaging designs to set themselves apart in a crowded market and showcase their unique production methods to consumers.
2. Food and Beverage - Incorporating informative and visually appealing designs on packaging can help food and beverage companies to educate consumers about their products and differentiate themselves from competitors.
3. Tourism - Brands in the tourism industry can use location-based branding tactics, like incorporating local maps into their packaging, to showcase the unique experiences offered in different regions and attract potential visitors.