Medical Imaging Platforms

Ambra Health's New Software is Available to Consumers in Japan

Recently launched in Japan, Ambra Health is a medical imaging platform that aims to streamline the imaging process at both large healthcare institutions and smaller private practice locations. The platform was launched alongside Mitsubishi Corporation's sister brand MC Healthcare and aims to address a challenge faced by over 8000 medical institutions in Japan -- the process of storing and sharing medical imaging assets in a more organized way.

While it does boast a Japanese user interface, the platform is also compatible with eight languages including English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese and Arabic.

"Ambra’s imaging solutions have solved a number of pain points for leading US healthcare providers, resulting in more efficient image exchange and storage, significant cost savings and improved patient experiences," said Morris Panner, CEO of Ambra Health. Most commonly used for breast cancer mammograms, medical imaging results were not as easily or as quickly accessible to patients in the past. While imaging results had to be processed and transferred to a DVD in the past, Ambra Health streamlines and cuts this process in half by making results immediately accessible to patients on a cloud system.
Trend Themes
1. Medical Imaging Platforms - Development of platforms that streamline the imaging process at medical institutions with cloud-based solutions.
2. Multilingual Medical Software - Medical imaging software designed with multilingual interfaces to address diverse language needs of patients and healthcare providers.
3. Cloud-based Patient Management Systems - Development of cloud-based systems to manage patient records, resulting in significant cost savings and improved patient care experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Technology - Healthcare facilities and technology developers can benefit from creating cloud-based solutions to streamline the imaging process and improve patient care experiences.
2. Medical Imaging - Medical imaging institutions can benefit from adopting Ambra Health's software to store and share medical imaging assets in a more organized and efficient way.
3. Language Technology - Language technology companies can benefit by developing multilingual user interfaces to address diverse language needs of patients and healthcare providers.

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