Functional Aloe Beverages

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Hey Aloe Active Share More Than a Hydrating Boost

Aloe beverages are known for being immensely hydrating and Hey Aloe Active is a new line of drinks that's packed with functional benefits that harness the many benefits of the water-dense plant. The line was crafted to support the immune system's response to stress and inflammation, all the while promoting cell recovery. Hey Aloe Active is available in flavors like Blended Berry, Lemon Lime and Mandarin Orange, which are organic, electrolyte-rich and free from added sugar.

The 50-calorie aloe beverages set themselves apart as the only drinks of their kind to contain the proprietary A5-Imun, the essence of pure Acemannan produced by the Barbadensis Miller aloe species. The active beverages are also beneficial for supporting digestion, recovery, stress relief and circulation, as well as decreasing inflammation, as backed by decades of scientific research that supports Acemannan's effectiveness.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Beverages with Proprietary Acemannan Ingredient - The inclusion of A5-Imun in Hey Aloe Active and its reported health benefits suggest a trend towards functional beverages with proprietary ingredients that offer specific health benefits.
2. Hydrating Beverages with Added Health Benefits - Hey Aloe Active demonstrates a trend towards hydrating beverages that also promote health and wellness by combining natural and functional ingredients.
3. Organic Electrolyte Beverages Without Added Sugar - Hey Aloe Active meets the growing trend for organic, electrolyte-rich beverages that contain no added sugar and offer natural hydration and health benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Functional Beverages Industry - As functional beverages gain popularity, the industry has an opportunity to develop and market beverages with proprietary ingredients that offer specific health benefits.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The trend of hydrating beverages with added health benefits presents an opportunity for the health and wellness industry to develop and market products to health-conscious consumers.
3. Organic Beverage Industry - The growing demand for organic, electrolyte-rich, and no sugar added beverages creates an opportunity for the organic beverage industry to capitalize on health-conscious consumers and pitch sustainable, health-promoting beverages.

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