Almond Milk Moisturizers

L'Occitane's Almond Milk Concentrate Softens, Smooths & Moisturizes

L'Occitane's Almond Milk Concentrate is a whole-body moisturizer that was created to soothe and soften the skin with sweet almond oil and almond extracts. On its own, sweet almond oil is known for being rich in omegas and is especially favored by those who have dry or sensitive skin. This ingredient is joined by others to create a formula with a creamy, silky texture.

To make it easy for consumers to replenish their supply of the Almond Milk Concentrate as needed, L'Occitane offers refill pouches that can be used to top up the original glass container.

Inspired by plant-based beverage alternatives, a variety of beauty brands are launching products for the face and body that tap into the popularity of alternative milk.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Beauty Products - There is an opportunity for brands to create more plant-based beauty products inspired by popular food and beverage alternatives.
2. Refillable Packaging - Refillable packaging for beauty products can provide a convenient and sustainable solution for consumers.
3. Ingredients From Natural Sources - Consumers are increasingly seeking beauty products with ingredients sourced from natural sources, creating an opportunity for brands to develop and innovate in this area.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - Beauty and personal care brands can innovate by incorporating more natural ingredients and refillable packaging options into their product lines.
2. Packaging - The packaging industry can explore and develop more sustainable and refillable options for beauty and personal care products.
3. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage companies can explore crossover opportunities by developing ingredients for the beauty industry inspired by popular alternative milk options.

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