Guilt-Free Breakfast Infographics

This Al Fresco Chart Explores Gender Attitudes Towards Breakfast

Some extra time with your loved one or bacon: which do you prefer more in the morning? This infographic courtesy of Al Fresco is aimed at exploring behavioural preferences in males and females when it comes to the rise and shine of everyday life.

68% of men says they’d rather canoodle than have breakfast, however 70% of women would rather eat. This illustrates a clear distinction between male and female priorities in the morning. For the sake of conversation, the survey asked what people would eat for breakfast if nobody was watching and the overwhelming response was sausage or bacon.

In an effort to bridge the gap between desires and health needs, Al Fresco offers a guilt free breakfast option in its all natural breakfast chicken sausages. The new chicken sausage breakfast patty has 70% less fat and 40% less sodium than traditional pork sausage.
Trend Themes
1. Gender-based Breakfast Preferences - Exploring behavioral preferences in males and females when it comes to breakfast can lead to the creation of gender-specific products and marketing campaigns.
2. Guilt-free Breakfast Options - Creating breakfast options that are low in fat and sodium can meet the growing demand for healthier food choices.
3. Surveys on Breakfast Habits - More surveys on breakfast habits could uncover new insights and opportunities for food companies and restaurants.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food companies could cater to health-conscious consumers by offering more guilt-free breakfast options.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing campaigns could be designed to target the specific breakfast preferences of male and female consumers.
3. Research and Development - Further research on breakfast habits and preferences could lead to the development of new products that meet the changing needs of consumers.

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