AR Airport Maps

Gatwick Airport is Helping Travelers Get Around with Beacons and Augmented Reality

Even with the most extensive airport maps and signage, travelers passing through an airport terminal can find themselves confused and frustrated about where they are meant to be. Gatwick Airport in the UK is now using some of the most cutting-edge technology available to make wayfinding easier.

With the installation of almost 2,000 beacons and the creation of an augmented reality airport map, Gatwick Airport has now made it possible for people to be guided through the airport through the screen of their phone. The beacon and mapping system identifies when travelers need to change floors, pass through security gates or should not be permitted through areas that are restricted or under construction.

As well as being useful for navigation, the system also has the potential to be used for sending messages to travelers on shop deals or flights.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Wayfinding - Augmented reality technology combined with beacons provides an opportunity to revolutionize indoor navigation.
2. Location-based Marketing - The use of beacons and augmented reality maps allow airports and other indoor spaces to send targeted marketing messages to users based on their location.
3. Smart Airports - With the integration of cutting-edge technology like AR wayfinding, airports have an opportunity to improve the travel experience and become more efficient.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Hospitality - The travel and hospitality industry can benefit from AR wayfinding technology to improve the travel experience and increase customer satisfaction.
2. Retail - The integration of location-based marketing in airports and other indoor spaces presents a new opportunity for retailers to reach customers with targeted messages.
3. Technology - The development and implementation of AR wayfinding technology in airports requires expertise in technology and presents an opportunity for technology companies to offer innovative solutions.

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