Nostalgic Summer Air Fresheners

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Vacation's Air Fresheners Share Scents of Fan-Favorite Products

Traditional sun care products often have off-putting scents, but as the creator of The World’s Best-Smelling Sunscreen, Vacation makes scents so appealing that it offers a wide range of fragrance products like—air fresheners—that highlight the scent fans fell in love with. The brand's Classic Lotion SPF 30 is lightweight, easy to wear and leaves the lingering aroma of the brand's World Famous scent with notes of coconut, banana and pool water.

The brand's Air Freshener Variety Pack offers a whiff of this scent, as well as other fragrant products from the brand. In all, there are four unique scents to discover: Grand Cru '86, Baby Oil Accord and After Sun. These air freshener tags for the home, car or office are ready to remind of days lounging at the poolside or beach.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Scents - Leveraging nostalgic scents, brands can evoke strong emotional connections with consumers, driving loyalty and repeat purchases.
2. Multi-functional Products - Creating products that serve multiple purposes, like combining sun care with appealing scents, can differentiate offerings in competitive markets.
3. Scent Personalization - Offering variety packs allows consumers to personalize their scent experiences, catering to individual preferences and enhancing customer satisfaction.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - Incorporating fragrance innovations into sun care products can elevate the sensory experience, setting brands apart in the personal care sector.
2. Home Fragrance - Extending personal care fragrances into home air fresheners opens new revenue streams and reinforces brand identity across consumer environments.
3. Lifestyle Brands - Combining nostalgic and functional attributes in product offerings can forge emotional ties with consumers, enhancing brand appeal in the lifestyle industry.

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