Farm-Raised Cousin Photography

The Adventures of Guille and Belinda by Alessandra Sanguinetti

The Adventures of Guille and Belinda photo series is a heartwarming tale of two cousins raised on a rural farm in Argentina. Although the environment is much different from that depicted in 'The Little Women,' it is hard not to compare their relationship to that of the March sisters. From adventures outdoors to imaginative role-playing indoors, they entertain themselves as only creative children with limited access to technology can.

Shot by San Francisco-based photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti, The Adventures of Guille and Belinda photo series was an ongoing project since 1999. Now a book, Sanguinetti writes, "Beli and Guille were always running, climbing, chasing chickens and rabbits. Sometimes I'd take their picture just so they'd leave me alone and stop scaring the animals away, but mostly I would shoo them out of the frame. I was indifferent to them until the summer of 1999, when I found myself spending almost everyday with them."
Trend Themes
1. Rural Childhood - Opportunity for businesses to create products or services that provide children with experiences that connect them to nature and the outdoors.
2. Nostalgic Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to offer products or services that capture authentic, sentimental moments in peoples' lives.
3. Limited Access to Technology - Businesses can innovate to create technology-free experiences for people looking to disconnect from their digital devices.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture authentic, memorable moments and market their services to customers looking for sentimental keepsakes.
2. Outdoor Recreation - Companies can create products and experiences that encourage children to play and explore in nature.
3. Wellness and Self-care - Businesses can offer technology-free activities for individuals looking to unplug and connect with nature.

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