Digital artist Débora Silva is creating 3D scans of people who are taking part in the global Black Lives Matter protests. Based in London, her project includes digital visualizations of activists who were present in London's Hyde Park. Not meant to be a commercial product or a tool for surveillance, Débora Silva's 3D renderings are intended "to immortalize this historic moment."
The creative is sharing her dynamic images on the Instagram platform and they are powerful, to say the least. She seeks to exhibit protestors—who are mostly wearing masks and sporting signs—in a new light. This pertains both on the level of the individual and that of the collective movement. Through this project, Débora Silva is hoping to revolutionize protest photography.
Artistic 3D Activist Scans
Débora Silva Creates 3D Scans of People Who Protested in London
Trend Themes
1. 3D Scanning Activists - The creation of 3D scans of activists can be used in various applications such as virtual reality simulations, art installations or education and diversity training.
2. Artistic Protest Documentation - Artistic documentation of protests can create a new medium for spreading a message and creating social change, while offering creative ways to archive historic moments.
3. Digital Immortality - The availability of 3D scans can create new opportunities for digital legacy, unlocking possibilities for future interactive and personal consumer experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Virtual Reality Industry - The availability of 3D scans can provide more accurate and detailed VR simulations for educational or entertainment applications.
2. Art Industry - Artists can incorporate 3D scanning in their works to provide a new and innovative representation of social movements and protests.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - The creation of 3D scans can create a new avenue for social awareness, brand positioning, and message management for marketing and advertising agencies.