USA Time Comparison Graphics

The '100 Years of Change' Infographic is in Time for Independence Day

The '100 Years of Change' infographic arrives just in time for the July 4th Independence Day celebrations. Taking a look at the differences between the year of 1913 and 2013, this infographic indicates some major cultural changes and areas that have improved, as well as those that haven't, for the American people.

With unemployment higher today than it was 100 years ago, the graphic suggests that economically Americans are struggling slightly more than 100 years ago on this front. However, with over a three-fold population increase in population size, altogether more people are employed in the modern day than a century ago. Further, with a life expectancy jump from 52.65 years to 78.2 years, we can assess that the American medical association is on to something and that with this life span expansion news there are many areas of society that have made major leaps forward.
Trend Themes
1. Economic Struggle - With unemployment rates higher today than 100 years ago, there is an opportunity for businesses to create innovative solutions that address job creation and unemployment.
2. Population Growth - With over a three-fold increase in population size, there is an opportunity for businesses to create disruptive innovation solutions that address the growing needs of consumers.
3. Healthcare Advancements - With an increase in life expectancy from 52.65 years to 78.2 years, there is an opportunity for healthcare and technology businesses to create innovative solutions that address the changing needs of an aging population.
Industry Implications
1. Employment Services - Employment services businesses have an opportunity to develop innovative solutions to address the challenges of job creation and unemployment.
2. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods businesses have an opportunity to develop disruptive innovation solutions that address the growing needs of consumers resulting from a three-fold increase in population size.
3. Healthcare and Technology - The healthcare and technology industries have an opportunity to create innovative solutions that address the changing needs of an aging population resulting from an increase in life expectancy.

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