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39 Cinderella Inspirations

From Fairytale Seating to Fiarytale Boob Jobs

— September 1, 2010 — Fashion
Find out just how much influence a blue dress and a glass slipper can have by checking out all of these Cinderella inspirations.

Cinderella is easily one of Disney's most popular princesses. That popularity has created a market for Cinderella everything. These Cinderella inspirations feature furniture, fashion shoots, and even a little romance to help create the perfect storybook ending.

Implications - Whether you're looking to update your style with Dior's Fairytale Inspiration or looking to decorate your house with some storybook furniture or baby princess beds, this collection of Cinderella Inspirations will leave you feeling like a Disney princess in a variety of fun ways!
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Holiday Princess Looks
Holiday Princess Looks
Bazaar Japan Gives tips on Party Dressing
Doodled Modern Fairytales
Doodled Modern Fairytales
Helen Ranscombe Takes a Yearbook-Photo Spin on Classic Stories
Disney Cell Phones
Disney Cell Phones
The Cinderella Mobile from Sharp
Scarytale Chandeliers
Scarytale Chandeliers
Fiona Gall Presents Cinderella's Revenge at London's Liberty Shoe Store
Fairytale Weddings
Fairytale Weddings
Disney Weddings Makes Your Nuptials a Royal Affair
Abandoning Classic Fairy Tales
Abandoning Classic Fairy Tales
Politically Correct Parents Axe Literary Treasures
Cinderella Couture
Cinderella Couture
Upcycled Fashion Rags by Zsofia Kormos for ‘Hundertwasser'
Fragile Fairytale Dresses
Fragile Fairytale Dresses
Karen LaMonte's Glass Dresses are Fit for Cinderella
‘Cinderella' Carriages
‘Cinderella' Carriages
Australia's Gilded Birthday Gift to the Queen of England
Baby Princess Beds
Baby Princess Beds
The Cinderella Carriage Crib is Undeniably Magical
Castle & Palace Hotels
Castle & Palace Hotels
Global Fairytale Escapes
Cinderella Glass Slippers
Cinderella Glass Slippers
Q by Pasquale Creates the Princesses Shoe Made of Glass
High Fashion Fairytales
High Fashion Fairytales
'Glamour Casting Cinderella' by Tom Watson Shows the Modern Princess
Modern Fairytale Shoes
Modern Fairytale Shoes
Lauren Tennenbaum Cinderella Pumps are Kryptonite for Fashionistas
Fashionable Fairytales
Fashionable Fairytales
Alexandra Zaharova & Ilya Plotnikov Create Couture Heroines
Storybook Furniture
Storybook Furniture
DEMAKERSVAN 'Cinderella' Table is Made From 17th Century Sketches
Fairy Tale Fashion Shoes
Fairy Tale Fashion Shoes
Footwear by 'Miss L Fire' Fit For Cinderella and Snow White
Teen Cinderella Gowns
Teen Cinderella Gowns
Lead Prom Dress Fashion For 2009 Are Vibrant Princess Gowns
Real Life Cinderella Shoes
Real Life Cinderella Shoes
Glass Designs by Asa Jungnelius
Fairytale Footwear
Fairytale Footwear
Maison Martin Margiela's Glass Slippers Cost a Fantastical Fortune
Dior's Fairytale Inspiration
Dior's Fairytale Inspiration
Midnight Poison Muse A Contemporary Cinderella
A Year of Fairy Tales
A Year of Fairy Tales
2008 Campari Calendar to Feature Eva Mendes
Fairytale Seating
Fairytale Seating
The Cinderella's Chair by Anna Ter Haar
Invisible Shoe Creations
Invisible Shoe Creations
Andreia Chaves Crafts Heels for the Modern Day Cinderella
Hollow Cinderella Wedges
Hollow Cinderella Wedges
Zoe by Christian Werner
Disney Fairytale (Part 2)
Disney Fairytale (Part 2)
Photoshoot with Rachel Weisz, Julie Andrews and Roger Federer
Teen Takes On Fairy Tales
Teen Takes On Fairy Tales
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in "Sleeping Beauty"
Wearable Cinderella Shoes
Wearable Cinderella Shoes
Plastic Flats from Kartell and Normaluisa Channel Disney Heroine
Luxury For Your Princess
Luxury For Your Princess
Designer Kids Rooms
Blue Bridal Gowns
Blue Bridal Gowns
Wedding Dresses to Help You Channel Your Inner Cinderella
Bespoke Princess Beds
Bespoke Princess Beds
Treasured Dreams Carriage Beds
Reimagined Fairytale Art
Reimagined Fairytale Art
The Fantasy-Filled Photography of Emily Nathan
Fairytale Fashion
Fairytale Fashion
Cinderella Gowns and Princesses on Peas
Fairytale Gowns
Fairytale Gowns
NE·TIGER Launches Gorgeous Wedding Dresses
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Using Fairytale Heroes to Promote Reading
Literacy Foundation Ads
Fairytale Boob Jobs
Fairytale Boob Jobs
Dina Goldstein Unveils Modern Truths in the Fallen Princesses Project
Naughty Fairytales
Naughty Fairytales
Melissa's Modern Heroine Photography
Fairytale Photography
Fairytale Photography
Tim Walker Brings Our Your Inner Princess Fantasies