The Vollebak Mars Billboard is Ready for the Red Planet
Michael Hemsworth — March 4, 2023 — Marketing
The Vollebak Mars Billboard has been created as a way to showcase the brand's new look with an updated logo and more in a decidedly unexpected way. The billboard is built with life on the red planet in mind and boasts an 11-piece anodized aluminum 6082T6 construction that will fit together in a puzzle-like form. The billboard doesn't require any nails or screws, but instead relies on an ancient Japanese joinery technique that consists of interlocking joints and counter tension.
The Vollebak Mars Billboard shows off the brand's stylized name and new logo, and would be erected by a robot upon landing on the red planet. The billboard might not make it to Mars anytime soon, but the brand is offering it to Earth-based humans upon request.
The Vollebak Mars Billboard shows off the brand's stylized name and new logo, and would be erected by a robot upon landing on the red planet. The billboard might not make it to Mars anytime soon, but the brand is offering it to Earth-based humans upon request.
Trend Themes
1. Otherworldly Billboards - Innovative billboards designed for other planets using unique materials and construction techniques.
2. Branded Extraterrestrial AR - Augmented reality marketing for extraterrestrial exploration and colonization missions.
3. Space Fashion - Fashion designs and materials tailored for humans to wear in space environments.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising companies can utilize innovative construction techniques and materials to expand into extraterrestrial marketing.
2. Fashion - Fashion companies can research and develop materials and designs suitable for space environments.
3. Space Exploration - Space exploration companies can partner with fashion and advertising companies to expand human presence in outer space and generate new revenue streams.