Synthravels Online
References: synthravels
Wanna travel without going anywhere? Just go Synthravels-style! It's the world's first virtual travel agency, "By joining the Synthravels Project, you can free your imagination and make up many kinds of journey in amazing virtual worlds."
Currently, you can travel to the following virtual worlds (as a tourist!):
* Anarchy Online
* City of Heroes
* City of Villains
* Dark Age of Camelot
* Entropia Universe
* Eve Online
* Everquest
* EverQuest II
* Final Fantasy XI
* Guild Wars
* Horizons
* Lineage
* Lineage II
* Neocron 2
* ROSE Online
* Runescape
* Second Life
* SilkRoad Online
* Star Wars Galaxies
* The Matrix Online
* The Saga of Ryzom
* The Sims Online
* There
* Ultima Online
* World of Warcraft
Currently, you can travel to the following virtual worlds (as a tourist!):
* Anarchy Online
* City of Heroes
* City of Villains
* Dark Age of Camelot
* Entropia Universe
* Eve Online
* Everquest
* EverQuest II
* Final Fantasy XI
* Guild Wars
* Horizons
* Lineage
* Lineage II
* Neocron 2
* ROSE Online
* Runescape
* Second Life
* SilkRoad Online
* Star Wars Galaxies
* The Matrix Online
* The Saga of Ryzom
* The Sims Online
* There
* Ultima Online
* World of Warcraft
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Tourism - The Synthravels Online virtual travel agency opens up opportunities for businesses to create immersive virtual reality experiences for tourists.
2. Virtual World Exploration - As more virtual worlds become available for tourism, businesses can capitalize on this trend by offering virtual travel packages and experiences.
3. Imagination-based Travel Experiences - The Synthravels Project allows travelers to unleash their creativity, presenting opportunities for businesses to cater to the growing demand for unique and imaginative travel experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Virtual Reality - The emergence of virtual reality tourism opens up new markets and possibilities for the virtual reality industry to create innovative travel experiences.
2. Video Games - Virtual worlds like the ones offered by Synthravels Online create opportunities for video game developers to collaborate with travel agencies and create virtual travel experiences.
3. Tourism - The integration of virtual travel options into the tourism industry allows for the development of unique and accessible travel experiences, attracting a wider range of travelers.