The Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner Encourages Cloth Nappy Use
Amelia Roblin — January 12, 2012 — Eco
References: behance.net & designbuzz
Unfortunately, even the parents who make an effort to utilize reusable baby nappies end up doing the environment a disservice. An ingenious solution to a pungent problem, the Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner does not require such great quantities of water for rinsing.
Iven Dieterle proposes a standalone device as the best way to wash dirty diapers. This way, there is no risk of contaminating other clothing or having to run a separate load for a few small articles. This mechanism is compact but perfect for doing a couple days' worth of washing at once. It boasts more sanitary benefits than a standard domestic washing machine since its spherical form spins and rinses in all directions.
Earning it extra points for eco-friendliness, the Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner uses solar panels for power and reuses grey water to grow soap nuts as detergent for future loads.
Iven Dieterle proposes a standalone device as the best way to wash dirty diapers. This way, there is no risk of contaminating other clothing or having to run a separate load for a few small articles. This mechanism is compact but perfect for doing a couple days' worth of washing at once. It boasts more sanitary benefits than a standard domestic washing machine since its spherical form spins and rinses in all directions.
Earning it extra points for eco-friendliness, the Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner uses solar panels for power and reuses grey water to grow soap nuts as detergent for future loads.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Laundry - The Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner demonstrates the potential for standalone devices that use less water, offer more sanitation benefits and use renewable energy sources for washing clothes.
2. Compact Home Appliances - The spherical design of the Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner shows a trend of compact and convenient household appliances that occupy less space and are easy to operate.
3. Reusable and Sustainable Products - The Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner highlights the trend of products that focus on reducing waste and promoting the use of environmentally-friendly and sustainable materials.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliance Industry - There is a great opportunity for companies in the home appliance industry to create compact and energy-efficient standalone devices that offer the same efficiency as traditional machines.
2. Eco-friendly Products Industry - The Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner demonstrates the potential for companies in the eco-friendly products industry to develop innovative products that reduce waste and promote sustainability by using renewable energy sources and environmentally-friendly materials.
3. Baby Products Industry - There is a significant opportunity for companies in the baby products industry to develop and market products that are environmentally-friendly and sustainable, such as reusable diapers and sustainable washing machines like the Swish Sustainable Diaper Cleaner.