Sunrider’s Smart Gummy Product Boasts a Natural Fruit Flavor
References: home.sunrider
Smart Gummy is a product offered by Sunrider USA—a company that is dedicated to bringing nutrient-rich, whole foods to the American consumer base. Smart Gummy is just what one would expect it to be—a circular tin containing soft, chewy, and deliciously made gummies with a natural fruit flavor. However, Sunrider optimizes this small treat with a slew of incredibly nutritious ingredients. Each serving of Smart Gummy boasts 22 grams of dietary fiber. To put this into perspective, that is 87% of the daily recommended dose. Vitamins B12, D2, and E are also included in the formulation of Sunrider's offering. With no artificial ingredients, no GMOs, and no fat, these nutritious vegan gummies are an excellent way to pop something sweet yet nourishing in your mouth.
Trend Themes
1. Fiber-rich Snacking - Companies can explore adding high amounts of fiber to their snack products to appeal to health-conscious consumers.
2. Clean Label Confectionery - There is a growing demand for sweets made with natural ingredients, free from artificial colors and sweeteners.
3. Nutrient-dense Candy Alternatives - Consumers' interest in healthy snacking options can present opportunities for companies to innovate and create sweet treats that offer added nutritional benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - Companies in the confectionery industry can explore incorporating healthier ingredients and clean labels to meet the demand for nutritious and natural sweet treats.
2. Snack Food - There is potential for snack food companies to create fiber-rich products to appeal to consumers who want to snack healthily.
3. Supplement - Nutrient-dense gummy products can serve as a convenient and tasty alternative for consumers looking to supplement their diet with vitamins and fiber.